Friday 5 April 2013

Training schedule

As for training .I tend to stick to one rule

1)as long i i feel the muscle work then i dont care about the weight

I learnt this off a vrey good friend of my whilst i did a weeks trainign with him last year i realise the wieght and amount of weight didnt matter its was the feeling andthe pump which mattered.

Now i strive every time i get in teh gym to get the pump , the feeling of my muscle tearing and pumping up with blood and as arnold once siad in pumping iron its a great feeling (i wont quote what he said)lol

Sunday am -Hamstrings ,lower back ,calves
             pm-Quads,abs calves (pump)
Monday - day off (need it after sunday lol)
Tuesday - shoulders
Friday-Biceps /Triceps

my works tend to encorporate pre exhaustion then a power movement and then pump i liek to call it P.T.P =power then pump (simple lol)

my fav sessions have to be leg day at a famous gym called BODY FX in coventry it has the best equipement and by far the owner is a beast has the best physic in the uk in my eyes.

Back was one of the areas i needed to bring up and i feel its getting there but in this sport time is the name of the game

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