Saturday 6 April 2013

Power of the mind

In my blog and videos that will becoming up you will here a lot about the control of the mind and the will power to be better , the drive to be better and the passion and keep going,, never used to be like that. I supopose as we grow up and older, life teaches us and takes its toll and we come across battles wars.

I like you have been through my own battles and have won some and lost some but i will always eventually win the war and this is due to my mindset. I have control over my thoughts and thinking. I control what i think and what i believe. I am human and so i sometimes slip up and think negative thoughts but i truely believe in the power of the mind the battle to control it and our thoughts.

I first came across this when i found a book a friend gave me whilst i was going through one of my  lifes battles the book was called 'THE SECRET'.. This book i truely believed opened my life and mind to the universe and to the power of thought. i truely believed as i got into bodybuilding i could demand and make my muscle grow thorugh mind muslce connection and through telling them to grow.I beleieved that my muscle listened to my mind and listened to what i thought and so my body had no choice to grow and i take this pattern of thought to evey bit fo my life.

I try to think and look at things in a positive way even though its hard. I try to be kind and positive to all people even though thats hard but i beleive if im angry bitter or show hate etc my body will produce negativity and thats not good for me.

I urge anyone to read the book and then read all the other books in the sereis because its helped me. I believe applying the fundementals of the book to your life will make a big difference in your physic ,finances ,relationships ,work etc but u have to start some where just like training.

Thanks for reading and if you want to know more contact me
Bodybuilding Giant

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