Monday 8 April 2013

BodyBuilding Giant needs to RECOVER

I like to use the three R's when it comes to training and they are ......


One of the key things i do to rest is sleep. I go to bed every night at 8pm and wake at 4am. This gives me the standard 8 hours of sleep my body needs to recover and recoperate. This allows the BodyBuidling Giant to get enough rest to allow him to hit cardio and weight training with enough intetnsity to build and grow every day.

After i have hit cardio and weights i need to recover.My muscles need to recover and quick they have had a beating using GIANT weights and now need help to Recover and Grow. The BodyBuidling Giant uses BCAA and GLUTAMINE to recover.These 2 supplements play a big part in helping the BodyBuilding Giant to recover and make his huge muscle grow and grow they are a staple in my diet and a must.

Then for recoperation i hit all the minerals and viatmins i can. These help the BodyBuilding Giants body to stay in a peaceful state and to feel thats his mind body and musles are getting all the vitamins and minerals and his organs are protected and he has not left anything out that may hinder or injurehis GIANT body.

To make sure all 3 of these states are done properly it calls for one word COMMITMENT

The BodyBuilding Giants is commited to growing ........

can he do this if he drinks and goes out every night, partys at the weekend and gets drunk and smokes.

In my opinion if i wanted to socialise and do the party thing i would have not chosen bodybuilding ,but ....
The bodyBuilding Giant chose this path and he is 100% commited to growing and to do this he needs to REST ,RECOVER and RECOPERATE.

until next time and again thank you for your support


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