Tuesday 9 April 2013

BodyBuilding does not need to be a lonely Sport

Im always told bodybuilding is a lonely sport and your always by yourself etc etc ........................

This is true ....
Cardio at 4am is lonely.
Training by yourself and pushing yourself is lonely
Preparing your meals cooking them is lonely
Dieting and wishing you was out with your mates socialising eating is lonely (if you want to do that sort of thing)

But everynow and then u get glimpses of support just like Today.

I went to a mates house for lunch today and he cooked me a great piece of Rump steak with stir fry vegetables which was awesome.

Something different and it took my mind off dieting etc so thanks and he made sure it was part of my Triple P diet .WHAT MORE COULD I ASK FOR!!!!

Remeber Guys if we look for positiveness we find it. If we set our mind out to seek positiveness we will find it.Chase your dreams and keep believing.

Thanks for your support and thanks for following

The BodyBuilding Giant

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