Friday 12 April 2013

The Giant BodyBuilder talks about Injury Prevention..

Right my fellow followers there are many KEY areas to training and one of them is......


Injurys are part and parcel of TRAINING and LIFTING.I know as i got injured when i was doing powerlifting. I tore my ACL ligament and it took me 6 monthsto RECOVER. Thats when i found out that INJURY PREVENTION was key into growing and helping maintain a HEALTHY POSITIVE LIFESTYLE.


This is one thing i do to prevent injury ,Overtime Scar tissue builds up and can cause tears and damage to the MUSCLE. SPORTS MASSAGES break down tissue and help it RECOVER and maintain its proper form. I see a great SPORTS MASSAGE woman so if you would like to know more ......



When TRAINING your body back can come OUT OF LINE and TWIST and cause unatural symmetry this can then cause unbalance which then can cause harm to the body through tears and injurys. I see a Great osteopath who makes sure my BODY is working in a sufficeint order. He manipulates my structure so it is in balance and is working to 100%  of its ability.If you would like to know more.........


These two INJURY PREVENTION techniques have made sure my body can perform to the standard i want it to and i do not lose time with injurys and having to take out months to recover.

IF you are serious about TRAINING then i would recomend you start to see one if not both of the above to ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS IN LIFE and help in MAINTAINING a POSITIVE LIFESTYLE

Thanks for you support


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