Friday 3 May 2013


during my course as a bodybuilder which has not been long in know means, i have seen a good friend who i train with have so many ups and downs in his bodybuilding career he should really have givin up.

DID HE ????             NO

he kept battling and battling and  in the end the universe gave back to him the effort he had put in,Now his rewards are coming. Hes sponsored,he's getting a name for himself and respect and he deserves every bit of it as he is one of th most kindest people you will meet. but this is beacuse he derserves it after all the money,hard work,time and effort. but its taken him years and years and years.

In this sport i see people doing one bodybuilding show and then ask


why would a supplement company want to sponsor someone who has only done or won one show
why would they give there hard earned money and protien to someone who has not sacrificed there life and effort into carving a body that is unique ,special and is what the bodybuilding world call  MR OLYMPIA LIKE. 

my friend who i have mentioned has built a physic which could eaisly be pro status and be on the stage in las vegas he is what i call a freak like Branch warren, but even now he does not expect THINGS FOR FREE.

I dont deserve anything for free, if i can put half the effort my friend has into this sport i will be happy. i give 110% and will push myself to the limit in growing and achieving and growing and achieving but i know i need to work for what i get and make it happen.

i wont get a phone call or email saying im sponsored etc i need to show the world im gonna be Great ,I NEED to show the world im the next best thing,im not going to be able to do that after 3 Bodybuilding shows or even seven to eight shows i need to grind out shows after shows and  improve and get bigger better and better.

I will do this ,and i will achieve but one thing that annoys me in life is people that expect it all for free.

free food,free benefits,free car, free house,free clothes,free holidays, free free free free free

i want to look back and say i have earned what i have body wise, material wise.

This bodybulding GIANT has self respect,dignity and above all Gratitude for the things he has

anyway guys Thanks for following and reading my blogs i appreciate every one that contacts me and messages me and watchs my video etc

anyway heres a free video HAHAHAHAHAHAH

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