Sunday 14 September 2014


Well what a 2 weeks it has been.
I've seen so many beautiful sites and met so many beautiful people. So far I have trained in 3 types of gyms the second one CHANGMAI GYM was real hardcore home made equipment. Iron plates rust and all but it did the job
training in the heat is intense I could only do short Sharpe workouts to start with cause of the heat but now my body is getting used to it. The last gym has been a very stylish hotel gym will post pics tomorrow it's what we are used to back home yet cheap as chips. I've not had to pay more than 30 pence to train. Lol its a joke food is cheap. Seafood is really cheap and it's fresh from the sea ,fruit is well cheap. And cost of living is so so cheap.
Tomorrow I head to words West of phukett to unit 27 gym , dons gym and others can't wait today is rest day so food chill and recopy rate for next week it's time to have more fun
Thank you every one for there texts and support It's been a great a journey and I'm so excited about what I've learnt and how I've helped others etc

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