Wednesday 5 November 2014


Well all I can say is what a journey it's been so far.
I've hot over 10 gyms in Thailand all different all good in there own way.
I've put on some good quality size and have reached my goals of 24 stone with abs. 
This trip has taught me so much regarding my body and training.
My nutrition has been on point and has really been in check. Eating 8 to 10 meals a day. Mostly chicken and vegetables with a few meals of fish and prawns now and then
I've been reading A lot as well into the power of the mind and positive thinking and sharing and giving in life. 
Thanks to all who have added me on face book and followed me thanks to all who share and follow my progress and thanks to everyone who support me as I journey
Keep sharing the BODYBUILDING GIANT  and following him

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