Thursday 29 January 2015


First off I must say I'm sorry I haven't reported to my fans and followers or updated them on my recovery.
At this moment in time my leg is healed I have come off all antibiotics and I can bend my knee 50 degrees.
I haven't trained for 10 week which has been hard but I have felt I have need a good break as I haven't down this in 6 years. I feel my body needed all the rest and nutrients it could to recover quicker.
My diet is still eating anything I want in moderation yet I'm still keeping my proton high and my fats high with moderate carbs. 
My aim is to start training 7th Feb. My plan will be to start doing compound movements with my upper body like shoulder press chest press bent over rows etc and them move on to isolation movements I will still keep to my routine of training with....

pre exhaust

As this will be the safest way to train for myself at this time.
I will be doing a video and keeping my followers updated more and more and I thank you for all the support you have all shown me over the last months and weeks you have all been amazing

Now watch the bodybuilding giant as he fights back to the top

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