Wednesday 14 August 2013


Whilst i was at the gym this morning i was watching a personnal trainer train a man who was very much overweight. I heard him say how since he has been with this personnal trainer he has lost 4 pounds in 12 weeks.

I stopped and laughed to myself 4 pounds in 12 weeks.  then started to think about the time 2 years ago when i was 27 stone and doing strongman/powerlifting.

I remeber getting injured doing a heavy squat and at that time i was training for power and strength.
i started to think what made me want to lose weight and shed my fat etc etc.

I then came home from the gym today and looked at pics of what i used to look like when i was overweight and it hit me , WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT TO HAVE BEEN ABLE TO BE SO DEDICATED TO LOSE 7 STONE IN 6 MONTHS.

I started to recap over what i did to lose the weight

1.3 hours a day on stair master
2.1000-1500 calories a day
3.Hitting heavy weights everyday
4.Took control over my mindset.

I also started to think how i had such a good friend who owns a gym guide me and help me to shift the fat and get from 27 stone to 20 stone on stage for a competition.He was a like my own personnal trainer.

The key i found to losing weight was that i wanted to. I had a goal and i wanted to shed fat and lose weight.

I took control over my mind set and said to myself everyday the goal is a day closer.
Hence why ifeel this was my biggest accomplishment in my life so far and there will be more to come.

Thanks reading and following


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